I am about to make a very bold claim and an even bolder prediction. Then I am going to prove both to you. So, if you are an attorney pay close attention.
The big bold claim:
There is a group of ‘super attorneys’ who use the Baader-Meinhof phenomenon, and it is the biggest reason for their success.
The big bold prediction:
If you follow the steps outlined in this article, and use the Baader-Meinhof phenomenon, you can drastically increase the number of clients you get.
Not only that, I predict that you will become the ‘obvious choice’ in your prospect’s mind.
If you are sitting there with your arms folded thinking “Whatever…”, good! Be skeptical. It is healthy and natural for an attorney.
If by the end of the article you think I am full of BS, then email me and let me know.
At the start of the article I will give you a brief version, just in case you are pressed for time and want to satisfy your curiosity.
After that, I will go in-depth, with templates and examples.
So here, with all the dogmatism of brevity is a quick guide on how you can use the Baader-Meinhof phenomenon to get more clients.
BRIEF VERSION: Become the obvious choice for prospects using the Baader-Meinhof phenomenon
Have you ever noticed something, and then felt like you kept seeing it everywhere?
This is called the Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon, and it can be used to quickly and easily get more legal clients to your law practice.
It is defined as:
“… the phenomenon where one happens upon some obscure piece of information– often an unfamiliar word or name– and soon afterwards encounters the same subject again, often repeatedly.”
And it is possible to artificially create this phenomenon in your prospects, so that once they see your website or read something you’ve put out there, they keep noticing you.
Big companies do this all the time.
They spend hundreds of millions to constantly remind you of them.
But, and it is a BIG BUT.
You can’t usually do that. It is near impossible. Who has hundreds of millions to waste on boring branding ads? Nobody.
So that is not what we are talking about. We’re talking about a very specific attorney marketing strategy employed by smart attorneys across America.
It doesn’t cost nearly as much, it doesn’t annoy your prospect, and it cements you as the ‘go-to’ authority.
We have done this for dozens and dozens of attorneys (probably hundreds) and the results are incredible.
Here’s what we did:
When someone searches for an attorney in Google, we KNOW that they want an attorney.
That’s an important piece of information.
Now, once they click on your ad and visit your landing page, we tag them.
That tag will then follow them to Facebook and Instagram.
Now that they have ‘noticed’ your law firm, they will ‘notice’ it again on Facebook in the form of an article.
For example.
Imagine you are looking for a DUI attorney in Las Vegas.
You search it in Google and come across your website.
You get distracted for whatever reason, then go to Facebook that evening to browse your favorite baby videos and cat memes.
All of the sudden you see an article:
“3 Common Ways To Get Out Of A DUI In Las Vegas”
Congratulations, you have just artificially created the Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon in your prospect’s mind.
But it doesn’t stop there.
Every month you will release two new articles that will cross their newsfeed.
Each one providing value and reminding them of you. You are Baader-Meinhof-ing them.
The phenomenon has a lot in common with synchronicity. This is when you have a highly meaningful coincidence in your life.
It is kind of like someone telephoning you while you are thinking about them.
This causes both surprise, and makes the person ponder the odds of such a thing happening.
Instead of being ‘just another legal services ad’ you will stop your prospect in their tracks, and make them wonder why they have this feeling or surprise.
It is well documented in the scientific community that emotions help people retain memories.
Here are a few (out of thousands):
1. Mackay, D.G., Shafto, M., Taylor, J.K., Marian, D.E., Abrams, L and Dyer, J.R. (2004). Relations between emotion, memory, and attention: Evidence from taboo Stroop, lexical decision, and immediate memory tasks. Memory & Cognition. 32(3). 474-488.
2. Brown, R. and Kulik, J. (1977). Flashbulb Memories. Cognition. 5(1). 73-99.
3. Schupp, H.T., Stockburger, J., Codispoti, M., Junghöfer, M., Weike, A.I. and Hamm, A.O. (2007). Selective Visual Attention to Emotion. The Journal of Neuroscience. 27(5). 1082-1089.
In other words, by using the Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon you can help prospects notice you, and more importantly, remember you.
It is branding on steroids.
Merely following someone around with commercials is annoying but using the Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon to give them value and surprise is world class marketing.
Now, if you want to see examples and templates of exactly how this happens in the real world, read on.
STEP BY STEP GUIDE: Become the obvious choice for prospects using the Baader-Meinhof phenomenon
Now, we advertise on behalf of attorneys using the Crocodile Close system.
It is an elaborate ‘problem-first’ approach to advertising that is the reason we have over 300 five-star reviews about our services.
If you want to read more about it go here.
However, in this guide, we’re going to break down the Baader-Meinhof portion.
I go to Google and type in “DUI attorney Phoenix”.
I get cold feet for some reason and decide to watch cat videos on Facebook.
Next thing I see is a helpful article specifically speaking to the problem I have in my Facebook newsfeed.
It is an article in my Facebook newsfeed.
Imagine you are searching for a DUI lawyer and then this article pops up on your favorite website?
Would you consider it useful?
How about this?
We call this a Passive Return Agent (PRA). Instead of bludgeoning your prospect to death with the same sales pitch over and over, you decide to help them with a simple 750-word article.
This stays true to the problem first approach to advertising. It also comes with the added benefit of solidifying your authority in the area of law they are interested in.
Not only did they see your ads in Google, but now they are seeing you all over Facebook with helpful articles. When they finally decide to pick up the phone and call an attorney, who do you think they’ll think of first?
And it doesn’t stop there.
Below you can see an illustration of what is happening.
Now we’ve potentially doubled the number of prospects reaching out to you. And what most people don’t know, is that you can carry this process on for up to six months.
Remember, people procrastinate. In some cases it takes months for them to finally pick up the phone and call you.
So, we add another Passive Return Agent and push it out to them the month after on Facebook.
After six months the entire advertising funnel looks like this:
Can you see how effective this potentially is?
The Baader-Meinhof phenomenon is not ‘probably’ going to happen. It is a sure thing.
And remember, you are sending them helpful information, not a sales pitch.
People naturally reject sales pitches, and the phenomenon is not as powerful.
Do you believe that every single advertiser out there puts this much thought into their campaigns?
Sadly, you’ll probably agree that they do not.
Like I have said in other articles, times are changing. Everything is getting more sophisticated, and technology will leave tens of thousands of attorneys out of business.
They will not be able to keep up with this rapidly changing environment. However, you shouldn’t worry. A period of rapid change always gives rise to rapid opportunity.
Now, the reason why I am putting out all of this value and spilling my secrets for helping law firms is because… this is what we do.
I prove to you that I can help you, by actually helping you.
So, if you would like me and my team to tell you exactly how to grow your law firm, without charge, then book a 1-1 appointment here.
It is a no-sales-pitch first call. We do it, because we found that by helping attorneys for free, we often get a request to work with us.
However, there is no obligation.
Kind regards,
David Alexander
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